Content creators panel
Anis Rhali
Calmos (Hugo Alexandre & David Honnorat)
Lily s'ennuie

A panel will bring together content creators to discuss film on stage with the general public. The discussion will revolve around the festival program and their favorites, as well as their favorite youth-related films and on-screen representation; members of the audience will be strongly encouraged to participate.
Anis Rhali - sa chaîne YouTube
Calmos (Hugo Alexandre & David Honnorat) - leur chaîne YouTube
clararunaway - sa chaîne YouTube
Lily s'ennuie - sa chaîne YouTube
Free and open to all, within the limit of available seats
Saturday 22 — 10:30
Le Théâtre de la Gare du Midi Gamaritz - VF

Anis Rhali

Calmos (Hugo Alexandre & David Honnorat)


Lily s'ennuie