Feature Film Submissions Short Film Submissions
Nouvelles Vagues
Nouvelles Vagues

Edition 2024

Roundtable Screens of tomorrow / Superpower of narratives: writing, producing and distributing inclusive and sustainable fictions

Benoît Volnais

Alma Gavazzi

Assia Barge

Guillaume Desouhant

Sarah Witt


The audiovisual and cinema industry has a key role to play in creating new reference points for viewers by bringing new models of society to the screen. 
Discover insights and practices from professionals who explore creativity, with the help of the Screens of tomorrow guide. Find out how they set the ecosystem in motion.

In partnership with Canal +


A roundtable moderated by Alma Gavazzi, Culture project leader, Sparknews


Hugo Deganis, project development, Studiocanal Original

Benoît Volnais, film director and member of the French Society of film directors


Free and open to all, within the limit of available seats


Wednesday 19 — 16:30

Le Théâtre de la Gare du Midi Gamaritz - VF

Benoît Volnais

Film director and member of the French Society of film directors

Alma Gavazzi

Culture project leader, Sparknews

Assia Barge

Head of French production, CANAL+

Guillaume Desouhant
