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Nouvelles Vagues
Nouvelles Vagues


Production & Editing workshop with the Lycée hôtelier de Biarritz & the L'Atabal concert hall.


We had the pleasure of organizing a “making of” workshop with the Lycée hôtelier de Biarritz and the Atabal theater. The workshop, held with a class of 30 secondary school students, was divided into three sessions. 

Accompanied by director Jérémy Hugues, the students discovered a moodboard, wrote a mini-script for each sequence, were introduced to sound recording, shot values, handling a professional camera, directing themselves and, for the final session, editing their video. 

The aim of this making-of workshop was to follow a music composition and writing workshop, carried out by the same class and supervised by musician David Cairol, a musical education program offered by the cultural mediation service of ATABAL, Scène de Musiques Actuelles Conventionnée.